I started painting this piece when protests got intense in Venezuela in 2017. I used and implemented the method of following the events, determining the most powerful images and actors, reinterpreting them in a painted, artsy and noble way. I would work them as fast as I could in order to publish them the closest to the real time of "happening" and subsequent virality it had in social networks. People started organically using my everyday's reinterpretations in painting of the key moments and images which could come in as the events unfolded every two or so days. I would paint it as if to fix it as history was fixed in those medieval works displaying battles, I painted it with the same aim Picasso had when he painted Guernica, I painted because i felt compelled to give honor to all those modern day anonymous heroes.
In my eyes those images where transcendental, humanly inspiring and I felt complete empathy and dedication to the cause. This is history of Venezuela, unfolding the events and images that became utterly viral and even set trends for other artists that were inspired by my method and idea. This piece created Venezuelan modern identity. This piece was used by many media and even political aggregations such as the united opposition front of Venezuela in official communications. Most importantly, this piece is understood like a sort of staff and a symbol
"Bravo Pueblo mayo" continues fixing the events, peoples' and feelings of those historic times for Venezuela in 2017. Click HERE to go to piece
The piece is being signed in the back by some of the most prominent peoples significant actors in the fight for freedom, democracy and human rights in Venezuela. Bravo Pueblo Abril & Bravo Pueblo Mayo are very special works of art, they're an "Opus Patria" and as an artist I could only humbly bear the weight of having done something like this, undoubtedly, one of the most powerful pieces I've done.
Furthermore than fixing on a single canvas and composition the sum of each specific, viral and meaningful image of occurring events, I added a couple of symbols which are not took from the ongoing reality but that summed to the piece references to modern realities such as the use of new technologies of communication and social networks during the protests, both to inform and to incite. The character in the low left corner represents this, the little finger temped in violet ink represents the vote and it's tricolored skin the Métis character of the Venezuelan people.
Here are some words about the piece, Juan David Chacon (ONECHOT) freedom civil activist and Amnesty International's representative for Venezuela: LINK to Article
Sobre la obra "Bravo Pueblo Abril"
En la gesta venezolana por rescatar la libertad democrática han existido a lo largo de estos 18 años innumerables y destacados personajes. Entre los cuáles figuran desde el lider de Voluntad Popular encarcelado injustamente en Ramo Verde Leopoldo López, pasando por un Hans Wuerich que desnudo y con una tan solo con una biblia en la mano trató de hacer reflexionar a la GNB, la señora icónica de la tanqueta y el músico que con un cuatro en la mano enfrentó la opresión de los cuerpos de seguridad del estado. Son algunos de los personajes emblemáticos del Bravo Pueblo.
Acá Rodrigo Figueredo alias Hombre Radikal plasma todos esas factores que han intervenido y de cierta forma marcado pauta en este arduo proceso libertario. Espero que disfruten esa espectacular pintura que plasma una gran parte de los sucesos más relevantes en la lucha de este 2017 en este "Bravo Pueblo" que es Venezuela.
Both Bravo Pueblo Abril & Mayo were painted in the same canvas, I moved it around and used it as a manifest to seize and fix the historical events of Venezuela to have it signed and flashed by lots of significant poeple from Venezuela and the world. It is signed in the back by people I'm very proud and humbled to have coinvolved in a cultural and artistic idea that has becomed an icon and an expression of the times, specially for my country of birth and heart I wish see free again.