Hombre Radikal


Artist & Opinion maker

Welcome to Rodrigo Figueredo's world

Rodrigo is a multi cultural and multi faceted creator who delivers via music, painting on canvas, making viral memes and really influencing  political and human rights agenda in the world. Also known as el "Hombre Radikal" and Chakal (singer's pseudonym) this influencer artist is a mirror of the times...

Social Networks & NEWS

Slava Ukraini

[April 2022] I painted this piece with empathy and love for Ukraine #StandUpForUkraine with #ArteParaLuchar [ARTICLE]

This section features a variety of pieces and works from the artist that range from his early work to later pieces on diverse themes and styles. Here you can get a broad idea of the artist's whole universe. CLICK to go to section.


Rodrigo is a politologist and an internationally engaged human rights activist known for his work and influence in the fight for universal freedom, justice and democracy with his art and comunication via social networks and new tecnologies. All pieces on social, cultural, spiritual, political and philosophical thematics. This is the section where you can grasp the artist's message and vocation to use art as a means to promote a better and just world. CLICK to go to section.


In this section you will find a variety of works in which the artist expresses himself through other medias than painting on canvas, It ranges from street art to expositions, digital art, comunication on social networks, movies and installations. CLICK to go to section.


It would be a pleasure to read feedback and to try to answer any request or inquiry, leave a message reach the artist via email